Innovative Funding Options You Might Not Know About

Think you know all about business funding? Think again. The world of finance is evolving faster than ever, and if you're still relying on traditional bank loans, you're missing out on a goldmine of opportunities.

Forget what you've been told about securing capital for your business. The truth is, there's a hidden world of innovative funding options that could revolutionise the way you grow your business. And the best part? Most entrepreneurs have no idea these options even exist.

In this post, we're about to shatter the myth that bank loans and overdrafts are your only lifelines.

Let's dive into some innovative options you might not have considered.

The Limitations of Traditional Funding

Traditional funding methods, such as bank loans and overdrafts, have been the go-to options for businesses for decades. However, they come with several limitations that can hinder business growth:

  • Strict criteria and lengthy approval processes

  • Limited flexibility in aligning with unique business needs

  • Potential requirement to give up a percentage of company ownership

  • Impact on credit scores

  • Personal guarantees often required

These limitations can be particularly challenging for ecommerce businesses, which often have high revenue growth but limited financial history.

Alternative Funding Options

The funding landscape has evolved, offering innovative alternatives that address the limitations of traditional methods. Let's explore some of these options:

Ecommerce Funding

A revenue-based financing solution that provides equity-free capital to online businesses. This innovative option:

  • Offers quick access to capital in exchange for a percentage of future sales

  • Requires no personal guarantee and doesn't impact credit scores

  • Allows businesses to retain 100% equity

  • Features flexible repayments that adjust based on revenue fluctuations


A vital source of government funding for UK businesses, often crucial for launching new capital developments or exploring innovative solutions to societal challenges. These funds don't require repayment, making them an attractive option for businesses.

Equity Finance

Raise capital by selling a stake in your business. Benefits include:

  • No interest payments or capital repayment required

  • Access to investors' skills, knowledge, and network

  • Motivated investors who share in your success

  • Potential for follow-up funding

Specialised Broker Solutions

Tailored funding solutions from brokers who understand your specific industry and growth stage

Benefits of Alternative Funding Options

These innovative funding options offer several advantages over traditional methods:

  • Fast access to capital (sometimes within 24 hours)

  • No impact on credit score

  • Retention of 100% equity in your business

  • No personal guarantees required

  • Flexible repayment terms, often based on a percentage of revenue

  • Non-restrictive use of funds for any business purpose

Choosing the Right Funding Mix

Selecting the right funding mix is crucial for your business's success. Here's how to approach it:

  • Assess your business's unique needs and growth stage

  • Consider the speed at which you need the funds

  • Evaluate the impact on your ownership and control of the business

  • Analyse the repayment terms and how they align with your cash flow

  • Seek expert guidance to navigate the diverse funding landscape

Unlocking Growth with Innovative Funding Solutions

The world of business funding has evolved far beyond traditional bank loans. Innovative funding options like ecommerce funding, grants, and equity finance offer unique advantages offering fast access to capital, no impact on credit scores, and flexible repayment terms. By diversifying your funding sources, you're not just securing capital – you're opening doors to new opportunities, expertise, and growth strategies.

At Complete HQ, we've partnered with Swoop to revolutionise how our clients access funding. We provide access to a wide range of funding options, connect you with specialised brokers, and offer ongoing support to spot future funding opportunities.

Remember, funding isn't just for emergencies. It can be a strategic tool to future-proof your business, respond quickly to challenges, and invest in growth opportunities.

Ready to unlock the full potential of your business with expert funding guidance?

Discover how our funding solutions can propel your business forward.


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